Thursday, August 27, 2009


Apartheid justice tortured Mr. Nelson Mandela in prison for 27 years. What will it take to crack apartheid medico-legal corruption cancer, still in place in the New South Africa? Death Threats, and efforts to pump me with anti-psychotic drugs which cause stiffness, shaking, and sudden death, will not intimidate my efforts to be compensated by the doctor’s insurers - based in London - for a ruined life…
My name is Raymond Chait - a 56-year old lecturer, maimed after botched mouth surgery…
my jaws crack in pain when I chew, and I talk in gross discomfort. I have a permanent neck-erection, with muscles in constant spasm… gives “Expert Witness” District Surgeon’s Reports, which state: “REMOVED TOOTH-ROOTS OF CROWN, WITH DAMAGE TO TEMPERO-MANDIBULAR JOINT…MYOFACIAL PAIN & SPASM” and SIX (6) Doctors’ Reports, Chief Witness’s Report, Chewing Video, proving a butchered life, and that apartheid-installed structures are STILL active, to absolve guilty doctors, and to cover the lawyers who are paid to protect them…
DR. JULIAN M. RUMBAK has a negligence history, with piled-up evidence against him. He remains suspect, after a series of botched surgeries.
JUDGE CLAASSEN would not allow me to detail damage caused by Dr. Rumbak to THREE (3) other victims. In ONE (1) instance - motivated by adv. Brian Spilg - Dr. Rumbak admitted negligence. Judge Claassen refused to permit me to demonstrate to the High Court that because of Dr. Rumbak, I chew like a donkey; Judge Claassen shouted at me, and he sanctioned a “leading question”: when I pointed out that TWO (2) doctors were found guilty in the Steve Biko murder cover-up, after FIVE (5) brazen doctors – IN THE NAME OF TRUTH - forced the case to be re-opened, adv. John Suttner asked me if “there are only FIVE (5) ‘straight’ doctors in South Africa, all the rest being ‘crooks’?”!!
Judge Claassen had no empathy for a burnt-vagina victim, where negligence was proved, beyond reasonable doubt.
At the raced pre-trial conference at Suttner’s house, he remarked: “For a clever man, you say such stupid things”!!
Chief Justice Pius Langa warns that “judges can’t be trusted, if they bow to power” (Cape Times October 7 2008).
“The judge is condemned, when the guilty is acquitted” (Publilius Syrus).
How do we promote “social accountability, in the Public Interest”?
Dr. Rumbak continues to enjoy carte blanche to damage further victims - untouched by the South African “dysfunctional justice system, where public confidence is sullied, because some judges allow themselves to be misused”.
MEDICAL DEFENSE UNION & MEDICAL PROTECTION SOCIETY - doctors’ insurers, based in London - mobilise all the money necessary to financially drain and unnerve victims who take a stand. They give Deneys Reitz attorneys a directive to fight all medical negligence cases to finality, with the result that the conspiracy-of-silence remains uncracked in South Africa – doctors and lawyers just close ranks!
Instead of doctors being held accountable for their negligence - which is the case in England and America – in South Africa they are instructed to deny guilt, to avoid meeting any claims. Victims are intimidated into silence with reprehensible tactics…
PETER SOLLER - my lawyer – was protected by the law society, then struck off the attorneys’ roll by TWO (2) Judges, who state that “Soller is a danger to his clients”!
Soller sent me Death Threats, after purposely spoiling my case.
ROHAN BARRY ISAACS – Dr. Rumbak’s lawyer - violated my Human Rights; he humiliated & persecuted me, by fingering my sanity, and disrupted my Economics Lecture: he used bully tactics and threats of orders-to-compel, forcing me to relent on my right to dignity, by submitting myself to psychiatric evaluation by his “hired gun” - Dr. David Shevel.
DR. DAVID SHEVEL was paid and briefed by Isaacs to concoct the required report, stating that the physical damage caused by Dr. Rumbak, is a “pre-existing condition, in my imagination” – a mental condition - because I referred to The Truth that my Economics students achieved highest marks in South Africa on THREE (3) occasions in National C.I.S. examinations.
Dr. Shevel’s report states that I am Narcissistic - a psychiatric disorder, with delusions of grandeur!
I take extreme exception to this fingering of my sanity, because Dr. Shevel was paid by lawyer Rohan Isaacs to do so! Are these deceptive lies legally acceptable?
The ‘right of eminent domain’ means that doctors pay the legal system all the money it takes, to bury their mistakes.
ROHAN BARRY ISAACS then intimidated my chief witness (the course co-ordinator at the college where I lectured), influencing her to use the pretext that “because her brother-in-law works at Deneys Reitz, she cannot testify on my behalf”!
Her Report states that “after oral surgery, I witnessed his face swell grotesquely… I will back his efforts to be indemnified for a career that has been ruined”. As a lawyer, Isaacs should know that witness-intimidation is a serious & criminal offence. I am told by a prominent community-member - who worked at the Wits Law Clinic - that witness-intimidation “is lawyers’ entrenched behaviour”. Is this permissible, because Isaacs is “just doing his work”?
Isaacs agreed afterwards: “God forbid” he ever experience what has happened to me.
I said that I played the piano in the Tusk Bar at The Palace at Sun City. Lawyers twisted this Truth, to reduce me to the ilk of a “skollie”-busker, stating that I play the piano “IN BARS”! This gives the impression that I amuse drunks - equating me, and my piano-playing, with that of a cheap minstrel!
Ironically, I was commissioned to play the piano, while Cape Town Judges lunched on 30 April 2009. I was asked to “please play on”, and entertain Them for an extra hour!
An advocate wearing a skull-cap - liaising with an old, evil, social worker - tried to blackmail me into evaluation at a mental institution, using the pretext that “it would strengthen my case”!! Does this “sword of Damocles” not qualify as mental torture?
DR. GUNTHER WINKLER - puzzled how I “remain so positive, motivated, and strong” - resorted to murderous tactics to silence me with anti-psychotic drugs: Haloperidol and Benzhexol, which cause stiffness, shaking & sudden death!
THE LAW SOCIETY’s Mr. du Plessis protected Soller at five (5) bogus investigations, and threatened to “have me removed”, when I insisted that I state my case! Mr. Grobler said “it is not the law society’s fault that I appointed a ‘bad’ lawyer”!
This weak, hesitating, and accommodating law society condones defaulting lawyers, and stands accused of allowing “172 law firms to defraud poor road accident victims”! (Investigation by The Star 10 July 2001).
HEALTH PROFESSIONS COUNCIL apartheid fossils are paid to protect negligent doctors. Their credo - “guiding the professions and protecting the public” - is a misnomer! Their elderly chairman - Dr. Dreyer - tried to comfort me with the pretext that he also suffers pain! This council is guilty of protecting doctors implicated in the Steve Biko murder cover-up. They were forced to re-open the case and mete out punitive measures to the guilty doctors. Similarly, they found Dr. Rumbak “blameless”, without showing interest in the damage he caused to my mouth.
THE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH has no control over doctors (like Dr. Rumbak) in private practice! This is “apartheid health”, where doctors in private practice are a law unto themselves, and get away with it!
HELEN ZILLE – Cape Premier - promised to crack into private-sector corruption. This was a ruse to get votes. She ignores the corruption allegations I left with her bodyguard, Robert Mac Donald.
RELEVANT PARLIAMENTARIANS know of my medico-legal corruption grievances. They, too, have done nothing.
THE HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION is not interested in investigating South African medico-legal corruption!
DR. RUMBAK’S INSURERS, AND DENEYS REITZ ATTORNEYS, are the principals which condone the subversive and reprehensible conduct of its agent, lawyer ROHAN ISAACS, and are the partners jointly-and-severally liable for this fiasco!
My ability to eat and speak normally, has been stolen; my worldly assets have been stolen. Even though I am sentenced to a life of pain, caused by a doctor with a negligence history, they never succeeded in felling my sanity!
“To fight the unbeatable foe, to bear, with unbearable sorrow, to run where the brave dare not go, to fight for the right, without question or pause, to be willing to march into hell for a heavenly cause”
(The Impossible Dream).
I have to warn all South African citizens.
It would be criminal negligence, if I kept silent.
My unflinching duty as an activist-researcher, is to draw attention to failed justice, apartheid-mentality judgment, Human Rights Abuses, lying lawyers, and medico-legal corruption…
Raymond Chait (Hons. B.Com. H.E.D.)
27 August 2009
Cell: 082 672 3776 Mobile: +27 82 672 3776
1. Dr. S. Levy…. “Trigeminal Nerve appears to be involved”
2. DISTRICT SURGEON’S TWO (2) REPORTS: Dr. N.L. Scherman… (translation from Afrikaans) “Jaw-joint damage, struggle to chew, neck muscles in spasm, myofacial pain and spasm; no treatment will help”
3. Dr. M. Denny… fluoroscopy report: “cartilage disruption”
4. Dr. E. Shevel… E.M.G. (electromyograph) “low muscle activity” (Doctor withheld report)
5. Ms. Liz Hindle… “face swollen grotesquely after oral surgery, and a ruined lecturing career”
6. Dr. G. Winkler… “not able to lecture under current circumstances Medication Haloperidol for concerns about muscle pains in the jaw”
7. Dr. J. Rumbak… “presented with severe spasm of the facial and masticatory muscles, with extreme pain”. (These were the effects AFTER his surgery to remove splintered tooth-roots).

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